MN Challenge

I am going to challenge myself with some goals/challenges for my time in Minnesota. I have been trying to be my best self and grow as an individual lately (daily battle). So here is a public list of some of the things I will be doing come late August as I arrive back home. HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE PEOPLE.

-Go to Church at least 2 times a month.
-Workout at least 5 times a week.
-Follow a workout program completely for 2 months.
-Bench 275lbs by the end of September.
-Squat 500lbs by the end of September.
-Run a 5:30 mile by the end of September.
-Read one book per month.
-Wake up before 6am on weekdays.
-Daily suntime with Milton (my plant).
-Go camping at least once a month.
-Train Jared for football at least 2x a week.
-Cook at least 2x a week.
-Drink 1x a month (saves money and calories!!!!!)

Everyone has a list of the things that they want to put into action but making these habits is always a challenge. I encourage some brainstorming into what you are wanting to change in your life/do more of and then write it out. Print that list on your bedroom door or next to your bed. Tell a friend to hold you accountable. Staying motivated is always a challenge so have a buddy system or find some podcasts/videos that get you in the mindset for whatever goal you are striving for. Make the goals measurable! The more specific the better. Also.... I put a lot on my list so we will see how I do with these goals. My advice would be to focus on a couple and branch out from there.

My mother will be my spotter for my MN goals, if she accepts the responsibility. I am on a health kick and I will keep you posted.


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