The Tides of Change

Every year, around the holiday season, everyone plans and sets goals for themselves to be a better version of themselves. To spend the next year growing and honing in on different goals/achievements. Often times trying to create new habits or living styles. Ultimately a great deal of these resolutions fail, because the discipline is not there, or maybe someone shot too far out. Making an unrealistic goal for themselves. If you never have exercised in your life do not say that your goal is to workout 7 days a week. That is unrealistic. Rather, I say take these changes one step at a time. Make them measurable. Give yourself check in points. 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, etc.

Everyone wants to grow and evolve. However, everyone likes to keep things familiar or make excuses why they can't achieve their goals as an attempt to rationalize.

With all of this in mind I have really been thinking on what this last year presented me with and who I want to become in 2018. This last year was the definition of a rollercoaster! There were so many ups and downs, twists and turns, but optimistically I will stamp that year as a "good year". My highs were so high and my lows were so low. However, when facing those lows I found a new sense of calm under pressure. Losing my job to cuts. A tough breakup. That feeling of placelessness. Uncertainty of trajectory. I felt things there that taught me new lessons. I was able to put different priorities together, shed light on new experiences. Through the year I experienced LOVE, the greatest feeling to ever be had. No one can ever take those feelings and experiences from me. Which gives me so much hope in finding those feelings again. Through my exploration I lived in another state! Crossing off some bucket list items. With that summer in Michigan I saw a great many things, I learned about myself and my abilities to take on a new environment, I met so many incredible people, I saw captivating things! In coming back to MN I work with a company that is filled with truly inspirational people. I am learning about the business side of the world while still being involved in schools. During my time away from teaching I was able to focus on me. Discipline myself with monthly goals. Take on new hobbies. And so on. So yes there was some tragedy, that's life. Get up brush yourself off and respond.

In regards to 2018, here are my goals.

-I am going to read every day. With an attempt at reading different medias: books, articles, poetry, biographies, etc.
-I am going to cook meals for myself more than not during the week. Wordy statement, but I will cook for myself for than eating out, snacking, etc.
-I will spend an hour of day working within my allotted "Creativity Time". Writing, reading, drawing, creating playlists, exploring, etc.
-Church 3x a month.
- Drink 48oz of Water a day.

These may seem like small fleets, but these habits will create and open new doors for me in life.



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