Informative Travels

My GRAND ADVENTURE, the trip of a lifetime! Well I have traveled through half of my summer of purposeful placelessness and I have experienced so much. This trip has been more than I could have asked for. Transformations are beginning to take shape in me, I have seen and been captivated in ways that are hard to put into words, information has been absorbed, new experiences have been chased down. When friends ask me about my trip it is almost like a chore to begin, not because I dislike talking about it, rather that there is so much information to present to them. Feels, sights, sounds, connection... these are not easy to pass along via word of mouth (and I consider myself to be quite the orator!!!).

However, in thinking about my travels and my wanderlust there is a part of my finding myself feeling immense gratitude for certain aspects of my "day-to-day" life. I always say this but the grass is not always greener. For clarification I am not saying that I want to be home or that my trip is a bust, that could not be farther from true. These sights, emotions, memories, experiences, and events will carry me through a lifetime. I am becoming more knowledgeable and versatile in the world! Accumulating rocking chair tales along the way. What I am saying is that, I find myself missing the little things... for example, when traveling alone in unfamiliar places things like locks are such a comfort. Camping alone and sleeping in doorless structures is creepy at times. Shower access! The ability to answer emails. I also find that I would like to share these memories with someone. Even though I have time and the freedom to pave my own way, blaze my own trail, march to the beat of my own drum... I find that these memories would be enhanced when shared with someone that is LIKE-minded. Furthermore, I have been boasting that it is my desire to live out of state. That is still on the forefront of my plans over the next couple of years... but I do not foresee it as being as simple as I had thought it would be. Beyond moving all of my possessions, I would miss my brother's varsity football games.... miss volleyball tournaments... miss exposure to my friends.... These are things that I am finding to be harder obstacles to consider when I think about taking on opportunity elsewhere.

There are other things that I miss back home, but there is more to be gained in my trip. I am absolutely loving this nomadic life. This is my time to capitalize on these opportunities and I would not change that for the world, and I actually think that this trip has given me a greater insight and feel into both lifestyles. I have a new appreciation for some of the things I left behind and a more complete understanding of my drive to explore and what I gain in venturing out. It has been an EXTREMELY POWERFUL experience. It is almost as if I have seen the stars for the first time, cherished time with only myself and my thoughts, experienced immense vastness that puts my physical presence in this world into perspective, learned about environmental implications of consumption and sustainable farming, and so on.

Adventure is out there! So chase discomfort.


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