Pain For Purpose

I am going to use this platform through drastically different means than I usually do, so bare with me. These last few months have been quite the roller-coaster as the year 2018 is coming to a close. Meeting parts of myself I had not formally been introduced to, challenges never before seen, new focus and vision, amongst other things. This year has seen a great deal of travel, produced some internal insights that had been previously misunderstood, and the accumulation of memories. This year I can say that I have truly lived! Heart-ache, understanding, opportunity, captivation, joy, adventure, grinding, persevering, all building to the iconic human experience. I have been on a fast track to all things this year. Sprinting to extremes around each turn. Such placelessness and ensnarement, complimented by moments of pure liberation and self discovery. A year to go down infamously as one of polarization. Towards to climactic ending to this year I carried out a 3-month road trip followed up by 3 months of soul-crushing work. A trip that gave me new focus, new drive, a whole new perspective, the improved blueprints to my imminent life; followed up by coming home to be trapped by lease payments, working for a job that I feel under-utilized (in terms of the impact I can have on the world and in potential), a crippling financial situation due to the expenses of 3-month travels (worth it!!! But wow...) facing work stressors that overwhelm the positives of my work. Now do not get my wrong, I adore the people that I work for, but I am a bird caged! I need to be out there in the world to find my place. Last month was one of the hardest months. Mentally exhaustive work, 60 hour weeks, money gained is money owed immediately, and scrounging to feed myself regularly. I am climbing out of the whole now, so I can look back at the time in awe. Nose plastered to the grindstone for nearly 2.5 months now.

However, in spite of it all, I am emerging from last month with an entirely new mindset. I had set goals of creating a better version of myself this summer. With a new focus. This month I took that by storm. A discipline as such I have never known has planted itself within me. Monthly goals are being tackled, daily tasks are conquered with gusto, and I am feeling better in spirit/mind/body comparatively. This month I have dedicated myself to God more than ever before. A jesus podcast is listed to nearly every day. Church has not been missed this month and I take friends with me when I go. I created a prayer journal to begin praying consistently every day. Some prayers to be answered the next day! It is absurd to think about the time wasted not reaching out to God. He has already been actively shaping my day-to-day in ways that are hard to describe. What a response time! When I workout I have new motivation (as I listen to Jesus Music) thinking about myself as a tool of God's design. I better myself every day, knowing that there is a God out there that is building me up to serve this world in the best way possible. My path is laid for me! I just have to work hard enough to be the man destined for my optimal path. Shape me and sharpen me where needed.

In my month of fully immersing myself in God and the discipline of his design, momentous things have transpired. I am on a sober month and have more time to take care of myself. A couple podcasts fell into my lap- How I Built This and North Point Community Church I find them both to be perfectly informative. Something that I needed at this point in life. Gifts given at the exact time they were needed. (North Point) This podcast always keeps my mind on God. The insights I am gaining, stories I am being exposed to. Hearing the Word consistently. Putting faith into practice. I it honestly a GOD SEND haha, see what I did there? (How I Built This) It is my believe that I am on the bring of something great and these podcasts are about people grinding in similar ways that I am and what it takes for them to create something for/of themselves. Let my creative juices make a future for myself, grind on! I also have found daily discipline like never before. Nutrition, workouts, creative work time/space, reading, and so on. I pray daily and I feel transformations happening inside me. A great deal of the time I pray that this feeling and discipline will be lasting. That when I am to be tested, I come out ontop. I do not want to lose the head-of-steam I have built up. Keep this momentum going.

Pain for purpose. This is a concept that I heard in one of the episodes of North Point. Such power behind this statement. Life is not always rainbows and butterflies, there are going to be great struggles and great hardships. Life will test you again, and again, life will attempt to push you down into submission if you let it. Standing up again might just be the fight of your life, it might take everything that you have, it might take years of effort, but once you stand back upright.... look out world! You will have become stronger because of it. You are battle-warn/tested. Withstanding the worst curveballs that life can throw at you. In the process you will find out more about yourself than ever imaginable: what depths you can climb out of, what you are capable to withstand, what drives you to success not matter the strain, what gives you GREAT hope, how you respond to stressors, and what defenses you have to further challenges. So take on these challenges because they are not going to turn from you, so why should you turn on them? Use Pain for a Purpose. Better yourself after having gone through great challenges, build your story to be a success story in-spite of it all. All of the great challenges of my life made me feel broken and defeated, but I tell you today that it has only enhanced me. I have experienced a great deal, and others have experienced a great deal more than me, everyone's struggle is different and everyone is fighting a different fight, but I am telling you that if you use this pain with purpose you are going to shape your life in ways unimaginable. Show off those battle scars, let your suffering make you stronger, hold yourself higher with each round. Thinking back on all my lows I give myself great pride in myself, great sense of worth in having conquered my pain. I use my pain to move myself forward in a better path, better light. My pain and suffering helps to guide my insights and shape me through experience. It gives me depth. It gives me new purpose. It gives me a story to be told. I am using all of the ups and downs of my life to find who I am meant to be. I grew up with an absent father, I had unexplained anger, I put up walls around my heart, I thought I was in it all alone, I buried a large part of myself away for only myself to truly know or access, I have sustained physical injuries, I have gotten introuble with the law, I let alcohol create situations I never imagined myself falling into before, I lost pieces of my identity, I felt heart-break, I felt completely lost in the world, I was let go from the job I loved most in the world, I lost all sense of security and direction, I have lived off twenty dollars of free money every two weeks, I have had twenty dollars to my name, AND it is because of all of these hardships... all of these challenges that I now have the most clear insights as to who I am, who I am destined to be, what I am destined for. All of these trials granted me the perspective and drive that I have today. So watch out world, here I come, and if life cannot stop me...then nothing can.


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