Sirens of Exploration
The Odyssey, and folklore of the time, often depicts these mystical beings called Sirens. These creatures demonstration special abilities as they were a symbol of lust and longing for explorers on the sea. Perched on rock formations, jutting out from the sea, these Sirens would lure men to them with a hypnotic song. Weary seamen would then seek out this beautiful song and would end up shipwrecked and marooned on a small island (if they were lucky). On a less morbid note, I view myself as responding and being in-tune with the Sirens call of the wild. My mind set differs from a large portion of my peers. The meal prepped week, 9-5 business day, and debt fumblings make me squeamish. There will always be time to build up your savings, but the time to explore is NOW. In fact, the time was yesterday. In this growingly globalized world we have access to limitless opportunities. To think about living in the confines of a land-locked system scare me.
So in life, I have sought out a different means of living. I respond to that Siren's call no matter how faint. There are too many opportunities in the world, experiences to be gained, perspectives to be absorbed, cultures to be observed, stories to be hear. Growth begins when we are introduced to situations outside our comfort zone. I am currently in an explorational phase of my life. Taking on NEW-ness by any means possible, in hopes of becoming a versatile man. Daydreaming of a day when I am comfortably sitting on a rocking chair, in-front of my grand-babies, orating the magnitude of my travels..the times of pure captivation... times of whole body happiness...of the people I met...lessons I experience that I had acquired...and of failures, successes, and everything in-between.
These ideals have been cultivated over a lifetime, in response to a passion fire that was always there. It all started picking up steam as a 12year old when my mother introduced me to Crater Lake in Oregon. The annual family Summer Grand Adventure had taken us on a trip spanning the West. Time spent running but not seeing, playing but not engaging, my childhood took me to incredible locations and I failed to truly tap into these experiences until I found myself sitting crossed-legged looking upon that lake. From that moment on I slowed down on these trips, I listed with everything within myself, and I sought out captivation through nature. It is one of the most raw feelings. Nothing is more powerful than the times when you are fully immersed/captivated by nature. Those times when time stands still, your mind clear, and your heart full. Once you have experienced it you will know what I am talking about.
So now I seek out this feeling. Giving my Grand Adventures a focus or a motto I have generated a couple "winning phrases" and they go as follows:
Chase Discomfort- I am in search of new experiences and situations that will stretch me as an individual. Encouraging growth!
Purposefully Placelessness- I am purposfully getting myself lost in order to be found.
With these travels in mind I have been travel focused for the last couple of years. As a Minnesotan I have always had an affinity for lakes and deep woods, this may have been a motivator as I moved to Michigan for a summer. Since then I found myself traveling to Amsterdam, living in Austin, TX, visiting Kansas City, the Dakotas, and currently embarked on a 3-month road trip! Reaching from Minnesota all the way down to New Mexico before heading back up through Utah/Wyoming and back.
Time spent star gazing with a Costa Rican man while staying at a Tiny House Village (SoFair Farms) in Fairfield, Iowa. Accompanied by a town hall meeting containing lectures of regenerative farming techniques and socially responsible investments. Learning how to Texas 2-step and being introduced to REAl Texas Country while spending six weeks in Austin. Fawning over the accents and culture of Amsterdam. Scouring the city for 10 days and coming across one of the most powerful moments of my life, as I wandered the Ann Frank House. Learning the great history of windmills, canals, economics, and wartime history of a different country. Consuming the greatest BBQ of my life while staying in Kansas City! Even acquiring front row seats to a Royals game after a friendly conversation. To living in Ann Arbor, MI for a summer and embarking on a number of adventures ranging from isolated camping in the Upper Peninsula to driving through to visit Niagara Falls. The best omelet of my entire life was eaten at a small cafe in the U.P. I could not find that place again if I tried! Experiencing the sound of silence for the first time when camping on a secluded lake. To embarking on a 3-month road trip this summer that has (so far) taken me from Minnesota all the way down to New Mexico, where I am experiencing the true meaning of dry heat. Living on mountains as I travel between mountain towns. Creating permaculture at a farm while introducing bio-char to encourage moisture retention in soils. All the while meeting new people, broadening my horizons, and living. The second half of my excursion is yet to come this summer, but it will consist of backpacking through the Grand Canyon to Zion, then up to Yellowstone, followed by two weeks of ranch work in Cody, WY. All of this before heading back home to Minnesota. I have already retained so much new information, met informative/genuine people, capitalized on new opportunities, and grew in life experiences. This trip has been filled with desert landscapes, canyon descents, star speckled skies, labor under the sun, lake baths, and pure excitement.
My plans for the future are to obtain the funds necessary for another massive road trip through Minnesota work until Spring. Once Spring comes around I plan to have the necessary funds to chart out a new course and create a tiny house via trailer conversion. The plan is taking shape in my mind and it looks enticing. Adventure is out there. The world is vast enough to present limitiless opportunities to us all. Do not live a comfortable life with regrets, instead take that first step. Everything after that will fuel your soul. freedom to me is getting away from the rat race. It is time spent not looking at the clock, time spent away from the stressors of every day life. Freedom to me is getting lost, taking a left when you were supposed to take a right. Time spent being captivated by nature. Wind in your hair, sun at your back, grass in-between your toes. I want to spend my days with no worries and an open road of opportunities ahead of me. Spending time observing and appreciating the little things in life. Freedom to me means detours and extended stays. Late nights and early mornings. There is so much to be gained in traveling, through experiences. There are too many opportunities in the world that aren't capitalized on. A marine slogan states: Who Dares Wins. I find this statement extremely applicable. Complacency is the nemesis of freedom. Are you truly free if you fall prisoner to your routines and comforts? Reach for something greater, take on challenges, take on NEW-ness, strive to reach your full potential. Never live two days the same way.
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