Zach Facts
I was thinking about some of the peculiar things that I do and I decided that I would share some of the things that most people do not know about me. Here are some fun facts, enjoy! My taste buds are not all that great as I have terrible air ways, allergies, and I have broken my nose 3times. So breathing out of my nose is non-existent. This makes me a mouth breather and heavy snorer at night! I also get overpowered by certain tastes as they come in stronger than all others..... I cannot stand Fish or Mint, I also dislike cinnamon (but there are exceptions in small doses). I find Sour Cream to be incredibly revolting. When I was first exposed to it was used as a food adhesive to hold tacos together and that appalled me! It was used as a food paste.... so gross. SO now I refuse to eat it. I also thought that the cockroach infested restaurant in the beginning of the movie was Taco Bell (in reality it was a Italian restaurant) so now I have spent an entire life time only eating ther...